In the Australian digital scene, the fastest growing group of new online adopters are the 60-plus set which presents new opportunities for technology providers and aged care agencies to provide advanced and targeted services for their clients.


During July, Hobart will host a national gathering of technologists, futurists, aged care practioners, agencies and government bodies at the 7th Annual Information Technology in Aged Care (ITAC) conference.  The event will provide insights from local and international experts across the fields of community care, medication management, assistive technologies and off information system delivery.

The delivery of aged care utilising the  best of breed digital technologies is one of the most critical areas of the development of the digital economy which is anchored in a rapidly aging population. 

New opportunities now exist with the upcoming deployment of the NBN,  including computer-based tele-healthcare and immersive or two-way social networking, providing citizens with greater independence and better quality of life.

CombiTel is a specialist IPTV and signage technology provider that is at the forefront  of such bandwidth intensive and sophisticated broadband applications will be at the conference and will exhibit its latest interactive multimedia solutions.

Combitel CEO Eugene Razbash said, “national forums such as this are essential in exploring both the needs of the aged care sector and the technologies that can be adapted to create innovative and enhanced solutions that may not have been conceived before.”

The impact of such technology deployments in the lives of older Australians cannot be overestimated. Technology solutions have the power to reduce the increasing stress on dwindling government and non-governmental medical support systems, while helping create a digital society that provides  cutting edge technology to those in the community that need it most.

“The provision of sustainable, high- end technology solutions that are focused on the emerging  demands of the aged care environment is an area that Combitel is putting significant research and investment into,” he added.

The conference will provide a fertile ground for researchers, health providers, aged care advocates, and related government and non-government aged care agencies to explore and exchange ideas in managing and providing aged care with the power of  digital innovation.

Key areas of growth and heightened competition in the sector include preventive health, such as the development  physical wellness and cognitive fitness technologies to maintain and improve both physical and cognitive health. This includes ‘wearable technology and apps that can monitor, analyse and report on health status to prevent or delaying illness and aged related frequent diseases. Another fertile area is assistive technologies which include a wide range of sensors, devices, information and communication technology to deliver customized care enabling the increasing numbers of dependent older people to continue living in their own homes, rather than in nursing homes or hospital settings, and social networking technologies to secure active ageing and avoid isolation.

Broadband centric applications are also prevalent for the recovery health segment which aims to develop technologies such as remote monitoring, m-health, telemedicine, data management, and data analytics to manage and monitor a range of health conditions that extend the reach of services, reduce the need for face-to-face consultations, enhance proper and timely diagnosis and treatment and allow for patient independence and safety.

*ITAC will be held 22nd and 23rd July 2014 at the Hotel Grand Chancellor, Hobart.


Specialist IPTV systems integrator focusing on service providers and enterprises. CombiTel offers unmatched value to its clients based on its unique mix of skills and many years of experience in both Telecommunications and Broadcasting. We have a proven track record and happy customers in Australia and New Zealand.